Lisa Sakulensky

Yannick reunites two of his three families in Montreal.

The Philadelphia Orchestra, on tour in three Canadian cities, Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal, ended its visit with a memorable concert at the Maison symphonique which had been sold out for a long time.

After receiving a visit from the Orchestre Métropolitain (OM) in March 2024, the Philadelphia Orchestra was happy to return the favor. The repertoire chosen for the entire Canadian tour was particularly suited to the Philadelphia Orchestra: firstly, Florence Price's 4th symphony, long neglected because of the composer's African-American origins (remember that the performers won a Grammy last year with the recording of Florence Price's symphonies Nos 1 and 3); secondly, Rachmaninov's Symphony No. 2, created by their legendary conductor Eugene Ormandy and of which they have become specialists, especially as it allows us to appreciate the extremely virtuoso qualities of this orchestra. Friendship and thankfullness were palpable in a crowd made up of the OM public extended for the occasion and including several dignitaries notably the mayor of Montreal, Valérie Plante, and dotted with numerous OM musicians who came to applaud their colleagues from Philadelphia. We could feel love as much on stage as in the hall and Yannick was the catalyst.

Two days before, the Philadelphians kicked off in Toronto in a packed Koerner Hall. The concert, much appreciated and warmly applauded, was closed with a reception during which Yannick was inducted as an Honorary Member of the Royal Conservatory of Music; this is the highest distinction offered by the Conservatory.

The next day, the Philadephia Orchestra headed to the National Arts Center in Ottawa to deliver, there also, a concert as flamboyant as it was appreciated by a very large audience including several dignitaries.

Christophe Huss

Emmanuel Bernier, La Presse

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