Philippe Jasmin

Yannick Nézet-Séguin: Official Ambassador of the International Orchestra Conference 2017

Montreal will be hosting the 4th International Orchestra Conference (IOC) to be held from May 11 to 14 at the Delta Hotel, downtown. The first three conferences were held in Berlin (2008), Amsterdam (2011) and Oslo (2014) respectively.

Montreal will be hosting the 4th International Orchestra Conference (IOC) to be held from May 11 to 14 at the Delta Hotel, downtown. The first three conferences were held in Berlin (2008), Amsterdam (2011) and Oslo (2014) respectively. The topics discussed will allow participants to discuss the major issues and challenges facing orchestras around the world in the 21st century, such as financing, new technologies, new business models, etc. Being at the head of three major symphony orchestras, the Philadelphia Orchestra, the Rotterdams Philharmonisch Orkest and the Orchestre Métropolitain (Montreal), in addition to his recent appointment as Musical Director of the Metropolitan Opera (New York), Yannick Nézet-Séguin has a panoramic view of the situation close to his heart. He is very proud to be named Ambassador for this conference organized by the International Federation of Musicians and by the Guilde des musiciens du Québec.

"sehr sensitiv und klangschön."

Felix Stephan, Berliner Morgenpost