A 110-minute documentary on Yannick's life and career

Yannick Nézet-Séguin au cours de l'annonce de son début en tant que chef d'orchestre du Metropolitan Opera

The documentary film by filmmaker Susan Froemke, Yannick: An Artist's Journey, is screened in several Quebec theaters from July 2 to 8, 2021. As of July 7, the film will be screened in 600 American theaters. Designed in English, the passages in French are however very numerous. The sequence of archival and current images, touching and sometimes overwhelming, shed light on the career development of this worldwide unique maestro, Yannick Nézet-Séguin.

Read Marc-André Lussier in lapresse.ca

Read Caroline Rodgers in Ludwig van Montréal

« Partout où il passe, le maestro québécois fait l’unanimité »
